Put a fork in it, this turkey is BASTED!

Our goal should be to RELAX and ENJOYThe Holidays can be wonderful! Warm traditions, lovely memories, fun gatherings and of course perfect family togetherness.  Oh wait….this trips me up every year.  I seem to fall into the trap of thinking that I am supposed to create a perfect season for my family. I am such a turkey! My goal should be to relax and ENJOY the holidays, which in turn will help my family enjoy them more as well.

Sometimes the biggest challenges to enjoying holiday gatherings involve family dynamics.  Our table usually includes extremely different political views, a nearly deaf grandparent constantly interrupting conversations, rowdy younger cousins that want to wrestle and a grandma who is convinced that people think she’s in the FBI.  You never know what will be said or done. My husband, 3 kids and I discuss survival plans to help us keep our cool and better enjoy the event. Ideas we have come up with include:

  1. TAG TEAM the challenging people.  I will sit next to Grandma (who repeats herself every 3 minutes and often tells people they are gaining weight or need to dye their hair) for the 1st 15 minutes, then it’s your turn.  We have even created code looks to signal “If you don’t relieve me I will hurt someone!”
  2. INVITE FRIENDS who are neutral and unaware of family drama.  Or maybe allow pets, they provide cute distractions and stress release.
  3. HAVE ACTIVITIES that distract people.  Play charades or do a puzzle while waiting to be seated or put on the football game.  Ask everyone to write down what they are thankful for this year or how they want to make 2015 a great year.
  4. MOVE SEATS between courses to give everyone a break from annoying relatives…or is that only needed in my family?!
  5. ALLOW BREAKS!  Empower your kids and yourself to escape to the deck or basement for a few minutes to breath and be quiet.  Notice I said a ‘few minutes’, make a rule about this or you may lose a teenager for the rest of the meal!
  6. BASTE yourself any way you can by listening to relaxing music before guests arrive or having a massage earlier in the day or making yourself stop and look at each of the faces around you.  Being present and appreciative for each person in attendance stops me in my tracks, makes me get teary and reminds me of what is most important.

Here’s to a relaxed and fun season for us all!  ENJOY!



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