Family Team Coaches Need Friends, too!

Having good friends makes you a happier parent AND models great behavior for your kids.

Having good friends makes you a happier parent AND models great behavior for your kids.

I am looking forward to a weekend get away with some of my women friends this week.  We always have a fun and bonding time – I highly recommend getting away every now and then!  I go away with a friend or group of friends about once a year.  Sometimes it is High School pals or a college friend, other times it’s Moms from our kid’s school. My kids are teenagers now and they are very supportive of my adventures.  In fact, my son said he would rather stay late at school until his dad could pick him up than have me wait to leave.  My kids often tell me how great my friends and friendships are and how lucky I am.  It’s true!  They see me having fun and enjoying deep connections.  My 19-year-old recently said she hopes she has friends like mine when she is my age.  I realized that having wonderful, close friends is not only healthy for me, it is powerful role-modeling for my kids as well. Talk about a win-win!

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One Response to Family Team Coaches Need Friends, too!

  1. Jen says:

    You are setting a great example for your kids AND for patents too. It is hard to carve out time and I catch myself feeling guilty for taking ‘me time’. The thing is Me Time helps make me a better mom, wife, sister and friend. Thank you for leading the way! I am blessed by my friendships and my son sees that play out in my daily life. Now that he is a teen I see HIM emulating my behaviors, bad and good,more and more often. I MUST show a committment to myself and to my friends for both my son and I. Thank you. Good reminder. I have needed and valued my friends. I am blessed by them. They have needed me too and I try to be there. THAT is the Real Stuff I want to teach my son; that Friendship matters and not to take it for granted. Man! You pack a punch with this post! Thank you, thank you!

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